Sunday, August 29, 2010

I am really tired of friends who make me feel guilty about things I haven't done wrong. Or rather, I am tired of people who say they're my friends but make me feel guilty about things I have no reason to feel guilty about.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jules: I’m just so tired, Billy. I never thought I’d be so tired at 22. I just don’t even know who to be any more.
Billy: Join the club.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

everyone will know.

-- You, on the motorcycle.
-- Yes.
-- It's only a matter of time.
-- I know.

Dave Eggers.
I wish I didn't feel like I'm always subconsciously looking for an ideal I'm never going to find.

Monday, August 2, 2010

There isn't much that frustrates me more than the disparity between what people say, and what they do.

Robert McKee says that in a great story, a character never acts against his true nature, and that there is truth in his reaction to the events of the plot. Story mimics life. There is truth in the way people act, in the way the react to what happens to them. There is not always truth in what they say. This drives me crazy. This is why I like stories. Control.

It's just infuriating. There are people who tell you they love you but then treat you manipulatively and are indirectly disrespectful in their actions. There are people who don't like you but act as though they do. There are people who love you but hide it and act indifferently. And so on and so forth.

I suppose it's one of the more heartbreaking aspects of human nature, this tendency to deceive and hide and lie. It makes for good stories but frustrating relationships, and it feels like little more than a giant, unnecessarily complex game. I think I'm rather tired of it all.

No, I don't think I'm tired of it all. I just am.