Sunday, June 5, 2011

To fucking Do list: Monday edition

-- Call Great Magazines in the UK about my stupid Empire Magazine order(s) that may or may not have gone through.
-- Call the Accomack VA District Court and find out how to get out of this court appearance.
-- Call work and confirm my schedule and find out what time I have to go in on Friday. Gag.
-- Call my gastroenterologist and reschedule my next appointment.
-- Call my psychiatrist and reschedule my next appointment.
-- Call my GP and beg, if necessary, for an appointment.
---- Get a script for more blood work to have my hormone levels checked.
---- Get a script for more blood work to have my vitamin B12 and D levels checked.
-- Go to therapy.
-- Mail the mixes I made today from Point Beach because there will be no line at the post office.
-- Exercise.
-- Eat more protein.
-- Get gas for the drive into Manhattan on Tuesday. Gag.
-- Figure out when I'm going to go to Philly, and with whom, if anyone.
-- Figure out when I'm going to go to LBI, and with whom, if anyone.
-- Go to sleep at a normal time. Start getting into a routine.

fuck all of this. ALL OF IT.

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