Monday, January 14, 2013


I decided my so-called "new year's resolution" is to be less anxious and embarrassed about expressing myself honestly and sincerely to the people I care about. I wrote a lot of letters recently; some were rather forward in their expression of my perspective of the relationship between me and the recipient. In short, I said plainly what I felt, and meant what I said.

Whenever I send letters such as those, there is always a moment of hesitation before I drop them into the post box on the corner outside my apartment building. And then comes days of anxiety, wondering if I revealed too much, or if I was too bold, and would so-and-so feel uncomfortable with my declaration of regard? Would they feel awkward around me? What if they did not return the sentiment? Should someone have absolutely zero response or even acknowledgement, I would grow uneasy and doubtful. "In short, I was afraid."

The more letters I write, the clearer it becomes: "there is no reason to be afraid, ever." There is no reason to be embarrassed of my feelings, and no reason to feel shameful in expressing those feelings. They are mine and I have a right to feel them, and in ways, whether or not they are reciprocated is irrelevant. In a somewhat narcissistic sense, I write these letters for me as much as I do for the recipient. Sharing myself, being generous with myself, is as important to me as reassuring someone of camaraderie. In short, my letters are as selfish as they are selfless.

Part of me has adopted this need to write for myself, as a form of self-protection. If I expect no response, no reciprocation, then I can't reasonably be disappointed or discouraged when, almost inevitably, I receive no response or reciprocation. Eventually, I push it out of my mind, and in time, I don't think about how I built up the requisite courage to air my emotions for someone to see. I don't think about my past attempts to build an intimate connection, but persist attempting. In short, I learn to forget my failures.

In short, I decided, fuck it. I'm not going to be afraid of my feelings. I'm not going to hesitate. I'm not going to indulge in anxiety. I'm not going to fear or over-think the absence of responses. I'm not going to self-protect. I will, though, persist attempting to grow deeper, more meaningful relationships with the people I love. I will continue to share myself with them, share everything beautiful I can with them, because what else is there to do?

1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Why else does a moth fly FROM the night
than to a bold, attractive candle Light??
Don’t let His extravagant Brilliance be extinguished.
You’re creative, yes?
Then, fly-away with U.S. to the antidote…

Whether you obtain morality4mortality to wiseabove
or just glean tantalizing specimens for thy next best seller,
you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
which has taken this sinfull mortal yeeeeers to compile:
I lay it ALL out for you, dear, with All-Star-Oxygems:

Wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
An XtraXcitinXpose with no zooillogical-expiration-date?
An IQ much higher than K2 all-go-rhythm?
An extraordinarily, anti-establishment-victory
with both sardonic, satirical wit Who’s savvy
and avant-guarde-humility??
Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
(with a most-excellent-detector of bull§ht):

“Faith, hope, and love,
the greatest of these is love –
jump into faith…
and you’ll VitSee with love”
Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
God believes in you.

Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
from a super-passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big-Zaftig-House.

PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
-our Lord Jesus to Saint Gertrude