Sunday, August 3, 2008

La di da. Can't sleep.

I found something I wrote last fall, and added a couple paragraphs. Not quite sure if I like the addition or not, though. I'm thinking not, but whatever. It is what it is.

Above all else, he possessed an irresistible charm that endeared him to everyone. Chatting with him was never strained, overly-polite small talk; he had an intimate way of drawing you into conversation and speaking to you as a familiar companion, and was capable of making anyone feel like the most important person in his world and all others. He listened in an engaging fashion – you could not doubt he was captivated by every word that tumbled from your lips, even if he wasn’t. He laughed at all the right moments, with that precise mixture of genuine amusement and friendly warmth that can take years to perfect if not inherent. He was a classic tease, in an innocent and easy manner that could offend no one and attract any one, and every little exchange belonged solely to you and him, filling you with that deep, secret pleasure that comes of sharing an inside joke that lies beyond the grasp of everyone else.

Greeting you always with a warm, bright smile that lit up his eyes, you never could believe he wasn’t truly pleased to see you. For the three minutes you spent talking, his attention was yours only: you belonged to him, and he to you. Around him, you felt inspired and cheered; he instilled in you the reassuring notion that you were accepted – by both him and yourself. He loved easily, and was easy to love – or at least, it was easy for you to believe so.

After all, this is what everyone wants most: for love to be easy. For him, it seemed, love flowed like wine from a tap. He had the charisma of a politician, but the frank sincerity of a brother or old friend, and his easy nature somehow highlighted the good in everyone he encountered. In his presence, men stood a little straighter and spoke more graciously, and women laughed with more warmth and smiled more generously. His own smile could melt snow on the coldest day, and everything seemed to glow when he walked into a room. Everyone felt his presence, though none could quite identify it – part of its beauty is that it was indefinable, incapable of being labeled.

Yet, this irresistibleness held him apart from all others. Though it drew others nearer to him, it pulled him farther away. His gift of charm and grace was also his curse. He prompted sincerity, generosity, and goodness in others, but he knew this was not the way the world worked. There was no disillusionment clouding his view of the world: despite how they acted in his presence, he knew that the people among whom he walked were different when his back was turned. In his presence, their sincerity was real, but the moment he walked away, it rang false and fell away, and the people became their own selves once more. And so it was – he was alone.

Now playing: Pride & Prejudice - Dawn

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