Thursday, August 20, 2009

She said, "Take me to London, tell me something I don't know."

Trying to decide how serious I am about potentially going to grad school in London. If I'm pretty serious, I might nix UCLA, USC, and NYU from my application list and just do 4 or 5 schools in London. And maybe still Columbia.

The upside:
  • When else am I going to get the chance to live in London for a year?
  • Easy access to the rest of Europe. By which I really mean, I could go to Scotland and France. Finally.
  • It's only one year.
  • Slightly cheaper tuition...I think.
  • Easier applications - they don't care about the GRE's and are less interested in writing samples.
  • Last I heard, James McAvoy was living in London. :: Swoon. ::
  • Probably easier to get into a PhD program should I decide to continue after getting my M.A.
  • West End theater!
  • Great chance to get away from everything that makes me think too much at home and have a fresh start. (That's one of the upsides of life, actually: you can always mentally wipe the slate clean and start again.) (It just struck me that that is a very American notion - the idea that a person can go somewhere new and create a better life for himself. Mmm.)
The downside:
  • Away from family and friends and home for an entire year. (Even though they could visit!!)
  • London is maddd expensive. At this moment, one British pound sterling is the equivalent of $1.656 USD. Better than it was last summer, but still.
  • Before I grew up and got a dose of that little thing they call "reality," Columbia was one of my dream schools. Well, okay, it WAS my dream school. That and NYU. I didn't even bother applying to either for undergrad. I don't think I want to throw all my eggs in the London basket. But I also don't want to do/pay for the extra apps.
  • The weather. I got depressed when it rained here for two weeks straight. How could I ever be okay in England?
I shouldn't be thinking about any of this, yet. I'm pretty sure after tomorrow (when I fail the GRE miserably), I'll realize once again that I'll be lucky to get into any grad program.


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