Monday, October 10, 2011

I've been coasting

maybe I want to fail so people will stop expecting so much from me. or so I will stop expecting so much from me.

maybe I don't want anyone to love me too much so I won't some day, inevitably, let them down. maybe I don't love me enough so I won't let me down.

(22 Nov 2010)


Badger said...

So when I first read this I had a comment, but I wasn't sure if I should post it. But now I say fuck-it and you can delete it if you want:

But you already let me down once - the whole Jess-Dworjan thing senior year when you took her side hurt my feelings and I was angry and pissed and felt betrayed- AND I'M STILL HERE

Corey said...


Badger said...

My point is, everyone is going to let people down at some point. It's what you do after that counts. And if people aren't willing to "love" you even after you fail, then they aren't worth being in your life anyway