Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Nothing matters in this whole wide world...

...When you're in love with a Jersey girl..."

The Truth about Jersey Girls

1. Only Tom Waits and Bruce Springsteen are allowed to say “down the shore.” Otherwise, it’s never “the shore.” It’s the beach. Real Jersey Girls know this. And it’s not just a summer thing. True Jersey Girls haunt their beaches all year ‘round.

2. Sand is her friend. In between the sheets, in her car, in her hair – wherever. A Jersey Girl doesn’t mind – she embraces it.

3. She’s proud to be from Jersey. She knows that yes, the boardwalk is trashy. Yes, Seaside Heights is trashy. If a Benny argues otherwise, they’re obviously not from around here. If a Benny agrees, who are they to judge? It may be trashy, but it’s home. Though she may complain about New Jersey and say she hates living here, she knows its trashy spots are part of its charm, and when you get down to it, she’ll always defend it.

4. When it’s warm, shoes are optional, and if they’re on, they’re flip flops. She probably has at least half a dozen pairs. Make up is also optional, and if she’s wearing any, it’s probably mascara. Waterproof. She also knows there’s nothing shameful about tan lines – she’s proud of hers, just as she should be.

5. A Jersey Girl won’t play games: she’ll say what she means. Yeah, she might have an attitude, but regardless of how she says it, you’ll always know a true Jersey girl isn’t being fake.

6. She knows that it doesn’t take much to have a good time. She’s cool with just chilling on the beach, or spending an evening driving around town with the windows down and the radio on. Odds are, she’s up for anything.

7. Food. A Jersey Girl not only knows where the nearest diner is, but she knows where to get the best pizza, subs, hot dogs, boardwalk fries, ice cream – and she has no problem with eating it all.

8. Every Jersey Girl is different, but all of them are spunky, confident, fun-loving, laid-back, warm, tough, sweet, unpretentious, loyal, and independent on one level or another – some more than others, but it’s cool: she embraces her uniqueness, and is proud of the fact that there’s no one quite like her.

9. No matter where she is, what she’s doing, or what she’s wearing, all Jersey Girls are stunning. It’s a careless beauty, an inner glow, and whether you can see it or not, it’s there.

10. Jersey Girls are classy. Always.

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