Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why Everyone Should Love Paul Rudd.

Why We Love Paul Rudd:
Because we had no idea when he started out playing the nice guy how funny he could actually be. Because his overexaggerated facial expressions and body movements make us laugh harder than 1000 words could. Because this "indie heartthrob" joined the cast of Friends and was actually accepted. Because he can pull off a nervous, bumbling fool just as easily as a sly, confident womanizer... and we buy it everytime. -- Rachel Moss
We Love Him In...
The Object of My Affection As George, the perfect best friend and roommate, who is gay and thus unavailable to Jennifer Aniston, who falls in love with him.
Clueless: As Josh, the older, smarter, indie stepbrother of the spoiled California girl (Alicia Silverstone), he was just dreamy enough to make us all crush on him.
Friends : As Mike, the lawyer-turned-pianist who is so charmed by the eclectic Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) that he marries her, Rudd was the only real outside character who seemed to fit in well with the close-knit Friends gang.
The 40 Year-Old Virgin: As one of Steve Carell's (the virgin) buddies, who is on a mission to help him "score" despite feeling torn up about his own breakup.

Why I Love Paul Rudd:
-- All of the above.
-- He loves the Chrysler Building...only my favorite building in New York!
-- He was Born in Jersey. : D
-- He also enjoyed Chris Elliot's Shroud of the Thwacker, which thoroughly amused me.
-- No matter how bad the movies he's in actually are (:: cough P.S. cough ::) he's a scene stealer in every single one.
-- He's extremely underrated. Judd Apatow movies have brought him into the mainstream a little more, but those movies really just showcase how capable of comedy he is - he's much more versatile in his other stuff. I mean really...who else could, at age 37, play a 29-year-old guy trying to woo a 40-year-old divorced mom, and come off as completely funny, dorky, charming, and unassuming? ...Exactly.

Now playing: Goldfrapp - Fly Me Away

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