Monday, October 18, 2010

now what?

I want to know what happens next.

Existing conditions change moment to moment and things don't stay the same.
We make choices and what is meant to happen as a result, that is what happens.
We act and react and we move and shift, looking for the rhythms that bring us together and the beats that pull us apart, and we go on and on and on, adapting constantly.

Sometimes these changes seem to unfold naturally, appearing as direct results from small choices made, but at other times, I feel like these changes explode in an absurdly dramatic fashion, upending lives into states of chaos, as a result of a whole confluence of indirect influences. These explosions can catch you by surprise, but sometimes, I think you can anticipate their approach. Once in a while I sense this electricity in the air, this feeling of heightened possibility, that I refer to in my head as a feeling of "Things About To Happen." There's this sense of imminence. The universe is stirring, and something game-changing is afoot.

Usually when I get this feeling, it comes on quickly. I step back and see that all the natural, little changes that have been unfolding are a set-up for the explosion that's on its way. It's not unlike watching a well-played game of chess begin to draw to a close: suddenly, the game plan is clear, and everything makes sense. I'm starting to get traces of this feeling again, but it's more foreboding - something doesn't feel right. It's like the board isn't set up properly, and something is going to go wrong. The timing is off. Something isn't right.

This feeling is making me anxious. It's looming over my head, hanging in the air like the heavy humidity that comes before a storm, before the thunderheads roll in, when the sun has that peculiarly harsh glare. I don't feel like the explosion is in the immediate future, but I can feel it working its way closer. I'm not worried or excited, though, so much as I am curious. Something big is coming, and I don't think I care whether or not it's good or bad. I'm just eager to see, what happens next?

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