Monday, March 31, 2008

"You know, there is nothing greater than deciding in your life that things maybe really are black and white!"

I think I will forever be in awe of people who can do that - who can just look at life and the world in general and see nothing but black and white, right and wrong, with no gray area.

I used to like the gray areas. Somehow, that was comforting - knowing that if I never found the answers I was looking for, it was okay, because sometimes, there are no right answers.

Now it pisses me off and it's probably the one thing I struggle with the most.

I was going to write more about uncertainty and faith and forcing yourself to adapt to function in the world. And something else about denial and misinterpretation and self-deception and The Talented Mr. Ripley. And about how difficult it can be to change your basic nature and overcome inherent (and sometimes also seemingly irrational) fears and such. But now I really don't feel like it.

I think I'm developing carpal tunnel in my right hand/wrist. Booo.

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