Monday, April 14, 2008

Jocelyn: Sex is messy. Maybe Mrs. Dashwood prefers a more well-ordered life.
Grigg: Maybe that's why she's such a minor character.
Jocelyn: I think if you read Austen's novels...
Grigg: Oh, I have. You wanted me to, and I did.
Jocelyn: I think you'll see she always writes in favor of order and self-control. Nothing unwise.
Nothing in haste.
Grigg: So what, this is a rulebook?
Bernadette: We could do worse.

(The Jane Austen Book Club)

Not really sure where I was going to go with this. But that's okay. It's still awesome.

Perhaps I'll think of it on the morrow.

"On the morrow"? Who the hell talks like that? Or even writes like that any more? Or ever?

Jeebus. I'm going to sleep.

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