Thursday, April 24, 2008

5 More Things

So I have about 20 drafts of stuff I haven't gotten around to elaborating upon yet. I'll get to it some day. Just another short list for now.

1. My eyes are crazy red and hurt like heck, and I've got a headache too. This is the time of year that I'm particularly glad I don't wear contacts, hehe. I love spring and the whole renewal of life and all that, but man. I wish I wasn't so allergic to it. Hahaha.

2. I have a positively ABSURD amount of work to do that I really need to get busy with. I wasted a lot of time hanging around work today doing nothing, but it was worth it. Got to chill with some awesome people. ( :

3. What do I do on nights that my roommate is at her boyfriend's? I don't sit around with music blasting, or watch a movie/TV show I know she doesn't like, or dance around like a loon. I clean the bathroom. Because I know she won't and if I do it while she's around, she gets this attitude like, "I know you're just doing this while I'm here to make me feel bad for not doing it." Well, maybe I just imagine that. But I've discovered that waiting for her to be unable to tolerate the grime doesn't work, and I end up punishing myself, so I just do it. Otherwise it gets so disgusting, I'm embarrassed that it doesn't bother her.

4. There are little tiny flies at work that like to fly in your face and around your nose and by your eyes and they're really, REALLY annoying. Today Mo and I were swatting at them saying, "DIE FLY, DIE!" It reminded her of last spring when she was getting all excited about the weather and the flowers coming out and such, and I responded with, "DIE, FLOWERS, DIE!" Hehehe. I wish we both weren't so busy because I miss hanging out with her.

5. Oddly enough, despite the stress, anxiety, exhaustion, fatigue, and generally unhealthy state I'm in, I'm really pretty content with life right now. I haven't freaked out about work yet, not the way I usually do at the end of the semester. I don't hate myself. I'm not angry. I'm not consumed with rage and frustration towards certain stupid people. I'm happy with where I am and the people I know and like, and am looking forward to the future. It's been a while since I've been so buoyant, and I like it. I hope it lasts. :: Knock on wood. ::

( :

Now playing: Paula Cole - I Don't Want to Wait

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