Thursday, April 10, 2008

So I was bored in class...

It was 20th Century American Foreign Policy and we were watching The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. It was kind of interesting and pretty good, as a film, but I was just so tired and bored. I doodled and wrote random things and ate dark chocolate M&M's and tried to remember what Simon & Garfunkel's song "A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was McNamara'd Into Submission" is about. (I just looked up the lyrics. I still can't tell you what it's about.)

Anyway, I wrote 2 poems. Well, I wrote one, and then I started one and finished it at work. They're eh. But it's been a while since I posted anything of substance so I'll put them up anyway. For all 2 of you who read this. Hehehehe.

No. 8

memory f l o w s
wine from a cask
dry fruit in a drop
bold flirtation

No. 9

blue note
→ grace
lights upon your face
diffusing serenity
singin through the pain
rhythm n blues
cerulean n midnight hues

Okay, I lied. I kind of like the second one. Sort of. (It kind of gets better after what's there, I swear.) No. 4 is still my favorite.

P.S. The formatting looks better if you go to the actual journal page here than when it's that blech Verdana font, I just put those links there because if I add other posts, you'll have to scroll/search to find the poem in question.

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