Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Dozen Things On My Mind

1. I hate allergies. I wish my throat didn't hurt.

2. My CF&F paper is way longer than I thought. It's at 9 pages now and I think I'm only about 2/3 of the way through and my paragraphs/sentences seem way too long and argh. Way frustrated. And not looking forward to my other two papers. At least this one is about a kickass movie!

3. With any luck, tonight shall be the first night I am asleep when the sun rises since Thursday. Woot.

4. If there is one thing I hate about Ramapo more than anything else, it's ResLife. They're beyond jerks. There's no words for the rage I feel towards them.

5. It's supposed to be gorgeous for the rest of the week which is pretty exciting. I wish I had time to hop over to the reservation and chill out before my allergies get REALLY bad, as they tend to do the last week of April/first week of May like clockwork.

6. The NRHC Conference is in ANNAPOLIS next year and I can't wait!!! Maybe I'll submit a paper or something. I really hope the new honors director is cool.

7. I finally read Fahrenheit 451 and it's pretty awesome. Lyrical/poetic sci-fi. Well played, Bradbury.

8. Every time I see the geese that stalk the path to the Overlook, I want to drop kick them. They're obnoxious. They honk a lot and hiss at innocent passers-by, and leave excrement all over the pavement. They can't just move over onto the grass. They always have to leave green crap in the middle of the path. Avoiding it is like a friggin' obstacle course.

9. 10 days until RPI. 20 days until finals are over. 26 days til Venice!!!! Yay!!!!!!

10. I think it should be summer right now. No homework. Beach. Friends. Barbecues! Concerts. Movies. Non-required books! Oh man. It sounds so sweet. I guess I ought to get a job, too.

11. Speaking of movies. This summer holds the promise of a whole slew of great ones. The ones I'm most anticipating:
  • The Dark Knight (7/18) - If there's a midnight showing, I am SO there. This has topped my list of summer movies to see since, oh, maybe 2006? And I refuse to listen to any of this Heath Ledger posthumous Oscar babble. I adore him and all...I'm still in slight denial about the whole deal...but seriously. Like anyone would have even thought of considering it if he was still alive.
  • Mamma Mia! (7/18) - It just looks like so much fun! Colin Firth singing and dancing to ABBA songs is an added bonus.
  • Tropic Thunder (8/15) - Ben Stiller + Robert Downey Jr. + Jack Black mocking actors and Hollywood? Sounds absolutely glorious to me.
  • The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (8/8) - Guilty pleasure. Even if Blake Lively still can't act and Alexis Bledel is only mediocre, America Ferrara's good and Amber Tamblyn is amazing - "Do the women of 'Sex and the City' all share one pair of pants? I think not."
  • Speed Racer (5/9) - If nothing else, it looks visually stunning. But add the Matrix guys at the helm and Emile Hirsch on screen - how could it be bad?
  • Iron Man (5/2) - The fact that I know nothing about the comic is completely irrelevant. RDJ in another starring role - and looking badass - is enough for me.
  • Wall-E (6/27) - Pixar never makes a bad movie. Ever. It's like a law of nature.
  • Hancock (7/2) - Will Smith as an alcoholic superhero and Jason Bateman trying to save his public image. Even if the movie isn't that great, Will Smith can save anything. (:: Cough I Am Legend ::)

Others worth mentioning (well, some of them in a "maybe when it comes out on DVD" way):

  • Wanted (6/27) - I hate Angelina Jolie with a passion. But I love James McAvoy even more. Conundrum.
  • Made of Honor (5/2) - It doesn't look that great - and neither does Patrick Dempsey's hair, which is terribly unfortunate - but Michelle Monaghan has been making a name for herself in the 3 years since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and I think she's pretty good, so there's that at least.
  • The Incredible Hulk (6/13) - Yeah, the last one sucked (I heard). And yeah, Universal disagreed with Edward Norton and cut the film down to under 2 hours from the 2 hours 15 minutes version Norton wanted. But whatever. Bottom line: Edward Norton pretty much rocks everything he's in. (American History X, anyone?)
  • Towelhead (8/15) - Promises to be...incredibly effed up. Written by the guy who wrote American Beauty, it's about a 13-year-old Lebanese girl coming of age...who gets molested by Aaron Eckhart's character. But then it's about her resilience and how she gets past it. But still. ?!?!
  • Vicky Cristina Barcelona (8/29) - The latest Woody Allen. Javier Bardem, Scarlett Johansson, and Penelope Cruz. In Spain. Of course there's a love triangle. I'll wait for the DVD, but it still sounds good.
  • Savage Grace (5/30) - Julianne Moore in an Oedipal-esque love triangle with her husband and son. Probably rivals Towelhead for most disturbing. I wonder where Laura Linney was during auditions - usually this kind of stuff draws her like a magnet.
Oh, also:
  • Son of Rambow (5/2) - It just looks so cute. I'll wait for the DVD.
  • Sex and the City (5/30) - I never even watched the show. I feel like I'd enjoy it though. And this movie also just looks like fun. Plus, I'll watch anything in which the New York setting figures largely. But I won't be stateside for its release, sooo...yeah.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (5/16) - The last one was eh. Maybe this'll be better? All I can think of right now is Andy Samberg and the Magnolia Bakery...
  • Get Smart (6/20) - I've seriously been seeing trailers for this for 2 years now. I have a feeling it'll disappoint, though.
  • Pineapple Express (8/8) - Another dose of Judd Apatow. But if Paul Rudd doesn't even at least make a cameo appearance, I probably won't see it. I'm serious.

And I guess I should mention this little flick coming out May 22 that involves a crystal skull or something or other. I'll be in Venice so I probably won't see it, though that kid from Holes is in it so maybe I'll try to catch it when I get back...hahaha.

I am promising right now to work on my movie reviewing habits this summer. I'm going to try hard to do a write-up on every movie I see in theaters, and hopefully all the others I watch too. Perhaps I'll start a separate blog for them. We'll see.

12. I really like Special K Bliss bars. The raspberry ones. Yum.

Now playing: John Mayer Trio - Vultures

(13. Making this a baker's dozen - I really, really like this song. I recommend you listen to it.)

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