Saturday, April 26, 2008

Slightly Longer Short List

1. All I've wanted to do lately is watch comfort movies. St. Elmo's Fire. Elizabethtown. Eternal Sunshine. Jane Austen Book Club. Etc. Okay, so I've been in the mood for chick flicks. Odd.

2. Also been in the mood for Joan of Arcadia lately. Season 2. Speaking of TV, I plan on catching up on a LOT of shows this summer. All of LOST, for one. Whatever House I can get my hands on. And something else too, that I'm'll come to me. All that, on top of a ton of movies and books. Jeebus.

3. Haha. So in spite of the fact that it seems like I "took too much on" this semester, next semester's going to be even crazier. Yeah, I'm planning on cutting down my work hours to 10/15 a week, alternating. But I agreed to do e-board for the yearbook and for the American Studies Club. And thus, I have to actually start attending the yearbook meetings and help out. Also, I'm planning on literally forcing myself to write for the paper, just to have a portfolio. And working for both of those publications requires actually going to school-sponsored events and taking pictures. Sooo. Yeah. I had really wanted to do the NY movie thing with Lincoln Center again, but I don't think I'll be able to. I really miss that, a lot. I loved having that time to myself in the city. Sigh.

4. I haven't gone to the beach for the sunrise in literally months, and I hate that. HATE that. Not since January 8. That's horrible. And I've only caught a few sunsets since then, too. It's not even that I haven't taken pictures of any - I haven't even been. Horrible. I feel a little bit emptier without them, haha.

5. I really am looking forward to working on some photo projects this summer. More pictures of people, definitely. People will have to deal with the fact that I'm trying to put together some good stuff, because I want more pictures of my friends, and more pictures with people in them in general. Also, I'm really looking forward to working on my beach garbage project. Sadly, that one will be easy to work on since people and Bennys trash the beaches so badly, so they're only really clean at sunrise and really early in the a.m. Seaside Park isn't as bad, but still. But I guess that gives me more material. So yeah. I really want to work on that this summer. Still wish I could do the sleep one. We'll see.

6. I like show tunes. I'm listening to a mix of songs from Les Mis, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Hairspray, Wicked, Little Women, and Movin' Out. And Mamma Mia. It's been a while, and I like it. A wonderful compilation of leading men there - the guy who originally played Marius whose name I forget, the wonderful Gavin Creel and Matthew Morrison, Norbert Leo Butz (who has a very unfortunate name), Danny Gurwin, and Michael Cavanaugh, who I'm still so bummed I didn't see on Broadway. And women with powerhouse voices too - any woman who plays Eponine MUST have an insanely great voice. Sutton Foster is my favorite Broadway actress, and Marisa Jaret Winokur, Kristen Chenoweth, and Idina Menzel are all amazing too. I still think that while film and television actors are incredibly talented, nothing beats a high-class stage actor, especially musical theater ones. You've got to really be great to do that, even if movie/TV actors get the majority of the press. You never see stage actors crossing over to film for anything but the money, really, or the fame, but when film stars want to prove their worth as actors, they hit the stage. Mmm.

7. Speaking of theater. I want to write a play. I mean, I want to write a lot of stuff. I try to write a lot of stuff. But I would like to write a good play. I like the way they're structured, and I like that they're dialogue heavy, haha. I intend to have at least a rough draft of something, be it play, screenplay, novel, what have you, by the end of the summer. Hahahahaha. I clearly have a lot of big plans for my down time.

8. I promise, I'll stop being lazy and write a real post soon. I just need more time. Blech. More time for everything.

Now playing: Original Broadway Cast - Summer, Highland Falls

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