Saturday, April 12, 2008

An addendum of sorts to that last post...

Addendum? Is that even a word? Whatever. Just something else I meant to add to that post this afternoon, the one about what you do vs. who you are.

It's funny how the emphasis between the two shifts. Sometimes, like I said, we're insisting, "Just because he did something bad, doesn't mean he's a bad person," but we also point out that "Actions speak louder than words," and really, all the world really knows of you is what you do. Personally I find it frustrating because even though it's not like I don't care what people do, it can be really difficult to discern to what extent their actions represent who they are, what they value, etc., and that's the kind of stuff I want to know. Who was it, C.S. Lewis maybe, who said something like, "Friendship is a slow-ripening blossom" or something like that? Or it was Aristotle and "Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit." Hahaha. Not even remotely close. Same sentiment, and that's what I was getting at. I'm impatient. I don't like having to wait, because often, it doesn't take me that long to trust them as a friend. Which is kind of funny considering I'm slow to trust in general. But whatever. Major digression. What else is new.

The whole thing I was getting at, is how I think it's funny that when we have conversations with other people, we spend so much time talking about what we do. When we ask someone, "How was your weekend," we usually follow it up with "What did you do?" or "What happened?" If they say, "Nothing," then we're disappointed. Bored. Stories about things that people have done entertain us. So in that sense, aren't our actions superficial? Small talk is about the trivial, and about what we do. That's about it. Conversations about things that matter are labeled as "serious", and consequently as "boring" or "depressing". Well, unless you're me, or similar. Haha. But I mean, I don't really have a problem talking about more abstract stuff, or what I believe in, or any of that kind of stuff, that other people avoid because it makes them uncomfortable, or that they only talk about with "close" friends. Try talking to an acquaintance about something like that some time, and watch how fast they clam up and get flustered. It's annoying, because that's how I am when I try to make small talk, hahaha. Well, sometimes. Lately.

I suppose because it's easier for me to talk about that kind of stuff, I've always been that kid who more enjoys sitting and talking with the adults than with the kids. I dunno. It's not that I don't like to hear stories about what my friends do - I suppose I'm more honestly interested in that than most people, because it doesn't matter to me whether or not what they do is "entertaining - but I'm interested because I care, and I care because I like them as a person, not just what they do. It's just frustrating because I'm not really interested in surface bonds based on what they do that's entertaining. Not worth wasting my time. Tell me something worth knowing about you. Tell me why I should like you. Why I should respect you. Well, that's not really what I mean. I suppose keen observation will tell you more about a person than them saying "I'm trustworthy" or "I don't lie" or something like that. I guess...I don't know. I shouldn't write this late. I'm not making sense. I'm not finding a decent way to verbalize what I mean. Maybe I'll try another time.

Now playing: Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life

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