Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another quick note.

1. Yeah, I know I said I'd do a regular post soon but I've been a waste of life lately. Too much work. I'm not even flipping out yet so I need to find another way to motivate myself because I am probably so screwed with all this stuff. Argh.

2. On the bright side, I had housing today and we got a room in the building we wanted so woot.

3. I can't believe it's nearly May already. April flew by unbelievably fast. This whole year flew by unbelievably fast. August feels like it was just yesterday. I'm in a much better place now than I was then, though. Fingers crossed that this summer won't be miserable.

4. Presently skimming/reading a book called Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism. It's pretty interesting. Its discussion on the way globalization is leading to the Americanization of other cultures reminds me of something my Social Issues professor said about how one reason Americans in Iraq are so unwelcome is because of their lack of understanding of Iraqi culture and Islamic traditions and such. I suppose this is one of the reasons so many Americans are okay with globalization's cultural impacts: I don't think we really understand other cultures, even if we say we tolerate or appreciate or embrace them. We're so wrapped up in ourselves. I mean, I can't really comment on the economics of globalization...I'm utterly clueless. The interaction of people and cultures is what interests me.

5. I really need to get down to work. Jeebus. All I want to do is sleep though. Rawr.

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