Friday, April 25, 2008

Today's Short List.

1. I know I've said this before, but I really love how interdisciplinary my classes here are. Today in 20th Century American Foreign Politics, we talked about globalization, and how American rose to become an economic hyper-power in the '80s and '90s. That part was okay, but then it led to a discussion of the cultural implications of globalization and the arguments for/critiques against it, and we watched a movie all about Naomi Klein's claims against it. Which led to a discussion about the dominance of American media and the reach and extent of its influences and authoritarian nature. I actually participated for once (I never do, not in that class at least) just because it was so relevant to stuff we've discussed in pretty much half the classes I've had here. Tech & Culture, Social Issues, Media Lit, International Studies, American Studies, Immigration to America, even Lit & Film. I like when that happens. It makes learning more fun. : D

Wow, I am such a nerd. Hehehe.

2. I'm not big on concerts, but for some reason, I'm going to 3 this summer... I'm excited for them. Ingrid Michaelson in June, John Mayer/Colbie Caillat in July, and Counting Crows/Maroon 5 in August. Woot.

3. I'm so behind on Big Brother and I'm a bit upset about it...largely in part because I know Kim hasn't had anyone to talk to about it. I can't believe I was one of those people who stopped watching a reality show when my favorite person got kicked off. Okay, there is SO much wrong with that statement. It wasn't entirely because of that, though. Once I was about to start watching again, I got overwhelmed with work and didn't really have to the time to catch up properly. And it ends on Sunday! / :

4. I'm absurdly glad Grey's is back, and can't wait for Private Practice next fall. (Guilty pleasures much?) I'm also really glad Addison's coming back for an episode of Grey's next week, and I hope she gives Mer/Der a piece of her mind. : D

5. TOO MUCH READING FOR VENICE. AHHHH. I got the syllabus the other day and it's insane. Rather more work than I expected. More writing than I thought, too. I hope my "must do your best" mechanism doesn't kick in and make me work my ass off while I'm there when I should be just enjoying the experience...oh well. Still can't wait to get the heck outta here.

( :

Now playing: Anna Nalick - Satellite

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